
名古屋市科学館 特別展「宝石」—地球がうみだすキセキ—


<公式サイト> https://hoseki-ten.jp

Special Exhibition “GEM “ – A miracle created by the earth –
Nagoya City Science Museum

We are very pleased that more people than we had expected visited the Special Exhibition “GEM “ A miracle created by the earth held at the National Science Museum in Ueno, Tokyo.
The location will be moved to Aichi Prefecture from next month. It will be held at Nagoya City Science Museum beginning Saturday, 9th July through Monday, 19th September 2022.
We are planning to exhibit 60 pieces of Gimel’s jewelry including a humorous unicycle pin using trapiche emerald with rare patterns created during the process of raw stone’s growth. We look forward to seeing you at the Nagoya exhibit.

Official URL: https://hoseki-ten.jp