
Automated Melee Screening (AMS) machineを導入しました。

AMS machineを導入

Gimelは、De Beersグループの研究機関International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research (IIDGR)が開発したダイアモンド検査機器AMSを導入しました。



Gimel has acquired Automated Melee Screening (AMS) machine developed by International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research (IIDGR), a research institute of De Beers Group.
AMS is a diamond inspection machine which automatically sorts the diamonds to determine and separate pure natural diamonds from synthetically made stones. Presently there are only five, inclusive, machines available in Japan.
For the enjoyment and the assurance of our customers, melee diamonds in Gimel jewelry has all been inspected by AMS.

AMS screens colorless round brilliant cut melee diamonds from 0.20 carats down to 0.01 carat to determine whether they are natural or not.