Gimel の癒し犬-タロウ Gimel’s comfort dog - Taro5.July.2014
He came to us six years ago.
One day, one of our craftsmen saw a dog wandering in the forest of Gimel. Since the dog had a collar on, he assumed that the dog belong to one of the nearby neighbors and did not give much thought to the matter. However, when the craftsman returned to the Atelier, the same dog was at the Atelier waiting for him.
The search for the owner began but no one came to claim him so we decided to adopt him. Since then six years have gone by. His past history is still unknown to us and we do not even know his age but today Taro completes Gimel with his existence.
His name Taro — In naming him, we tried calling him the popular dog names such as Pochi, Hachi, Jiro, James etc. but no reaction. Someone called out Taro and received an instant response in recognition.