ギメルの雄鶏もこの五徳を備え、小さなひな鶏を守っています。毎朝夜明けを告げてくれる勤勉な動物で、とりは「取り込む」に通じ、 縁起・吉祥・開運などすべてを取り込むと言われています。
鶏: Height61mm Width52mm Depth27mm
24K Pure Gold approx.64g, Silver approx. 3g(個体差あり)
ひよこ : Height14mm Width14mm Depth11mm
24K Pure Gold approx.7g(個体差あり)
鶏の目: ガーネット
ガラス: Height 110mm Width 180mm Depth 6mm (高透過ガラス)
ベース: Height 30mm Width 180mm Depth 180mm (大理石)
Beating the darkness to protect the night, the rooster cries out first thing in the morning as a good omen. Furthermore, from ancient times it is also cherished as a Messenger of God, telling the arrival of good luck which leads to good fortune.
Guarding the small fledgling, Gimel’s rooster is a diligent animal crying out the arrival of each morning at dawn. The bird is believed to bring good luck and auspicious omen.
Rooster: Height61mm Width52mm Depth27mm
24K Pure Gold approx.64g, Silver approx. 3g
Chick: Height14mm Width14mm Depth11mm
24K Pure Gold approx.7g
Eyes : Garnet
Glass: Height 110mm Width 180mm Depth 6mm (High Penetration Glass)
Base : Height 30mm Width 180mm Depth 180mm (Marble)