






Making “Hoshigaki”, Dried Persimmons – A Japanese Delicacy

After a huge success in making Hoshigaki last year for the first time, we decided to give it another try again this year. We peeled and hung 600 persimmons, 100 more than last year. After three days underneath the eaves, they shriveled up to about half of the original size and were ready to eat in two weeks, a bit shorter than normal. We harvest them a little sooner because we prefer them to be more juicy, the kind which melts in the mouth with its fine texture and delicately sweet flavor.  
The fruits we used are “Okesa-gaki” persimmons grown in Sado island of Niigata prefecture. JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives) Sado was so kind as to offer us some of their custom-made clips and hangers exclusive for making Hoshigaki. Twelve people joined this event and had a good time talking over the peeled persimmons piled on the table praising or criticizing the varying shapes of peeled fruits. It seems the shape of fruits represent the character of the person who peeled them. 

The line up of 600 persimmons hung neatly under the eaves and colored leaves on the background made the entire scenery a real masterpiece on the balcony.
This year again, the Hoshigaki have gone in no time while I was sending them out this seasonal and flavorful delicacy to my friends, acquaintances and staff. 
Now December is upon us, and it is time to start making homemade Miso paste.