申のオーナメント Chinese Zodiac Ornament 20162.October.2015
また、「災いが去る」、「魔が去る」と云われ悪いものや厄を払ってくれるありがたい猿神として全国3,800余の神社で祀られています。鎌倉時代には馬の疫病退散・守護のために猿まわしが行われ、その後 江戸時代には「悪しきを去って、良きことを得る」とても縁起のよい芸として正月などのめでたいときに家々をまわりました。
サル : Height45mm Width28mm Depth30mm
24K Pure Gold approx.68g(個体差あり)
サルの目: Garnet
桃 : Coral
ガラス: Height 110mm Width 180mm Depth 6mm (高透過ガラス)
ベース: Height 30mm Width 180mm Depth 180mm (大理石)
Monkeys are considered as philosophers of the mountain and because of their physical similarities to humans they were believed to be as God of the Mountains for the longest time. In the Japanese language, monkeys are known as “saru”. The word “saru” also means to leave or to depart and this word is used in many old sayings to make the catastrophe go away and to relinquish the evil spirits. They are considered as Thankful God Monkey and are enshrined in over 3,800 shrines nationwide.
The peach in the monkey’s hand is said to have spiritual power of getting rid of evil. “One survives as long as there is heaven and earth” is the famous phrase with reference made to the special peach which appears in the Chinese literature classic “Journey to the West”.
Monkey : Height45mm Width28mm Depth30mm
24K Pure Gold approx.68g
Eyes : Garnet
Peach : Coral
Glass: Height 110mm Width 180mm Depth 6mm (High Penetration Glass)
Base : Height 30mm Width 180mm Depth 180mm (Marble)