満州族の間では、清の康煕帝の祖先が明の軍隊に追われ草原で草に火をつけられ 焼き殺されそうになった時に、いつも傍にいた犬が池に飛び込み、びしょ濡れになった体で周りを転げ回って主人を助け出した、という故事から犬を大事にする習慣があるそうです。
犬: | Height 40mm Width 22mm Depth 40mm 24K Pure Gold approx.68g(個体差あり) 950Pt approx.0.3g |
犬の目: | ガーネット |
仔犬: | Height 25mm Width 17mm Depth 27mm 24K Pure Gold approx.18g(個体差あり) |
仔犬の目: | ガーネット |
Among the Manchurian tribes, the ancestor of the Kangxiang of Qing dynasty was attacked by the military of Ming and in trying to escape being captured, they ran into the meadow. However the meadow was burned down by Ming soldiers. The dog who always stayed by his master ran into the nearby pond and with his wet, soaking body he rolled over his master in trying to put out the fire. From this story, it is said that custom of man cherishing his dog has begun.
Dogs and man have been deeply involved since long ago, and even in the West it is said as “ Dogs are man’s best friend ”.
Dog: | Height40mm Width22mm Depth40mm 24K Pure Gold approx.68g 950Pt approx.0.3g |
Eyes: | Garnet |
Puppies: | Height25mm Width17mm Depth27mm 24K Pure Gold approx.18 |
Eyes: | Garnet |