虎のオーナメント TIGER ORNAMENT13.December.2009
又、このオーナメントには虎が子供を大切に守り 可愛がっている姿から、大切にして手放さない物や秘蔵の物を示すようになったと言われる“虎の子”が付いています。
It is said that tigers hoard enormous strength and run 4,000 Km a day and from this saying tigers have been worshipped to cast away evil spirits and endowed as a guardian of good fortune.
Also, their profound protectiveness toward their cubs formed a phrase “Tora No Ko”, (Baby Tiger), which is often used to refer to one’s cherished treasure. “Tora No Ko” is attached to this ornament.
フラワーブローチ FLOWER BROOCH5.December.2009
ただ稀少なだけでは無く、圧倒的な美しさを持つ大粒のピンクダイアモンドのフラワーブローチ。その美しさは、世界最大のピンクダイアモンド鉱山を持つARGYLE DIAMOND社の25周年を祝って出版された”Beyond Rare”の最後のページを飾りました。
Not only rare but overwhelmingly and large sized pink diamond flower brooch. Its beauty and magnificence was honored on the last page of “Beyond Rare”, a book published by Argyle Diamond, world’s largest pink diamond mining company, in celebrating their 25th anniversary.
ギメルのクリスマスシリーズ GIMEL'S CHRISTMAS SERIES5.November.2009
今年も又 クリスマスのシーズンがやってきました。
It’s Christmas! A festive season for extravagance, pleasure, happiness and joy.
For each year, for this season, is Gimel’s line of cute and yet pretty Christmas Series.
虎のオーナメント TIGER ORNAMENT2.November.2009
又、このオーナメントには虎が子供を大切に守り 可愛がっている姿から、大切にして手放さない物や秘蔵の物を示すようになったと言われる“虎の子”が付いています。
It is said that tigers hoard enormous strength and run 4,000 Km a day and from this saying tigers have been worshipped to cast away evil spirits and endowed as a guardian of good fortune.
Also, their profound protectiveness toward their cubs formed a phrase “Tora No Ko”, (Baby Tiger), which is often used to refer to one’s cherished treasure. “Tora No Ko” is attached to this ornament.