和光 ギメルジュエリーコレクション2.December.2021
和光で「ギメル ジュエリーコレクション」が開催されます。
和光 本館2階 (03)3562-2111(代表)
「奥池 野鳥マップ」をつくりました2.July.2021
ギメルのアトリエが在る奥池地区は瀬戸内海国立公園内にあり、自然が豊かな地域です。珍しい種のとんぼや蝶々、クワガタ、加えて タヌキ、キツネ、いのしし、野うさぎ、おまけに鹿もと多種多様な生物が生息していて、なかでも野鳥は一年を通して数多くの種類を見ることができます。
奥池に棲む鳥や季節ごとに飛来する渡り鳥など、馴染みのあるものから珍しい鳥までをまとめた「奥池 野鳥マップ」をつくりました。深い緑のなかで姿を見つけるのはむずかしくても、鳴き声から姿がわかるように工夫しました。あたたかみのあるイラストは、いつもお願いしている平田 智子さんと名田 享代さんによるものです。このマップをきっかけに、自然の生きものたちにもっと興味の眼が向くと毎日が楽しくなります。
Tel : 0797-34-5010
“Wild Birds in Okuike” handbook is almost ready.
Okuike area, where Gimel’s atelier is located, is in Setonaikai National Park and has abundant natural environment. A great variety of wildlife species are living in this area, for example, rare species of dragonflies, butterflies and stag beetles, in addition, raccoon dogs, foxes, boars, hares and deer, too. Among them, especially birds, we can see various types of them throughout a year.
Therefore, we made a handbook “Wild Birds in Okuike” covering from familiar birds to rare birds, who live permanently in Okuike area and migratory birds coming to this area depending on seasons. This is designed to enable you to identify them by their songs since it’s difficult to find them in the deep green forest.
The birds’ illustrations are drawn by Ms. Tomoko Hirata and Ms. Takayo Nada, who have drawn our jewelries for brochures. We wish this handbook invites you not only to do bird watching but also to look at living things around you with interest, and your daily life will be more pleasant.
Topics 1 ギメルショップ大丸神戸店、OPEN!
お近くにお越しの際には、是非 お立ち寄りください。
Topics 2 和光 ギメルジュエリーコレクション
和光で「ギメル ジュエリーコレクション」が開催されます。
和光 本館2階 (03)3562-2111(代表)
お近くにお越しの際には、是非 お立ち寄りください。
夢や希望を輝きに託して — 美は心を潤す(家庭画報4月号)10.March.2021
Dreams and hopes entrusted upon brilliance – beauty enriches heart (Katei Gaho April Edition)
It has been more than a year since our way of life has been disrupted by Covid-19. Throughout these trying times, we at Gimel have kept ourselves busy creating jewelry pieces with various colorful gemstones with a strong belief that jewelry enriches our heart, adds color to daily routines and brings hope. No matter how our life may change as the result of this disruption, Spring does come around and the lives of birds and animals are passed down to the next generations. We sincerely hope the world will soon be back to normal just as Robert Browning’s famous poem which ends “All’s right with the world”.
世界に色を — サファイアのネックレス(家庭画報4月号掲載)
Sapphires Necklace (From Katei Gaho April Edition)
One day in last August, a German jewelry trader friend of mine contacted me and told me excitedly that he was able to collect this many sapphires in Thailand thanks to some down time created by Covid-19. When I asked him, “They are, of course, unheated stones, aren’ they?” He lost his words for a moment and said, “I have lots of time, so just wait, will you?” About two months later, he contacted me with a word “done”. That is how these stones became Gimel’s gems. He must have spent enormous time and effort by examining each piece in his lab making sure that the stones had not been heated, then sort them out for cut and shape. He then told me that it was a fun project thanks to me. This beautiful necklace was made possible due to an extraordinary circumstances caused by Covid-19.