Floral Jewels – From the World’s Leading Designers
Carol Woolton著 Prestel, 2014/11
イギリスVogueの編集者 Carol Wooltonの最新版。
Vogue England, the latest edition by Carol Woolton, Editor.
This book is a gathering of jewelry of pretty flowers, beyond time, from antiques to the current contemporary works the jewelers around the world has produced. As pages are turned, categorized by four seasons, each page is full with fitting and interesting stories or poems written by the artists that surrounds the flower jewelries. A book to be enjoyed, even just to look at.
Juliet Weir-de La Rochefoucauld 著, The Antique Collectors’ Club Ltd., 2013/11
Author: Juliet Weir-de La Rochefoucauld / The Antique Collectors’ Club Ltd., 2013/11
A book that introduces 20 of the top jewelers, Gimel inclusive, as jewelers of the world, representing the 21st century. Gimel’s history and design concept is written and described in detail.
WAKO -Gimel Collection-13.November.2014
銀座・和光にて「ギメル コレクション」を開催します。
和光 本館2階 (03)3562-2111(代表)
羊のオーナメント Chinese Zodiac Ornament 20155.October.2014
中国にはこんな民話あります。わがままいっぱいに育った男の子におじいさんが言いました。「ほら、あの仔羊をごらん。たとえ遠くに遊びに行っていても、お母さんに呼ばれたら素直に戻ってきただろう。仔羊はね、お母さんのおかげで自分が大きくなったって知っているから、お乳を飲むときは必ずひざまづくんだよ。人間も同じ。お母さんはいつも子供のために心を砕いているんだ。だから、言うことを聞かなかったら仔羊よりも聞き分けのない子だと人様から笑われてしまうよ。」これを聞いて男の子は素直ないい子になりました。以来、中国のある地域では孫に羊のかたちをしたお饅頭を贈る風習があるそうです。 ギメルの羊も母ヒツジと子ヒツジが仲よく寄り添っています。
ヒツジ : Height40mm Width50mm Depth20mm
24K Pure Gold approx.54g(個体差あり)
子ヒツジ : Height23mm Width28mm Depth14mm
24K pure Gold approx.14g(個体差あり)
ヒツジの目: Sapphire
ガラス: Height 110mm Width 180mm Depth 6mm (高透過ガラス)
ベース: Height 30mm Width 180mm Depth 180mm (大理石)
The word sheep, as can be seen in the Chinese character, is a symbol of beauty. It had been much cherished in ancient China as an animal of lucky omen to symbolize auspicious wealth. Moreover, it has been known to mean the peace and security of the family because of their natural instinct to form a herd.
There is a folk tale told in China from olden days. The boy who grew up with full of selfish indulgences was told by the old man. “Look at that lamb over there. Even playing far away from its mother, the lamb comes back obediently when called. The lamb knows that mother sheep’s love and care has made him grow so big and out of respect for the mother, the lamb always kneels when drinking milk from the mother sheep. The same applies to people, too. Mothers have always crushed their hearts for their children. So, disobedient children are laughed at by others as, a child unreasonable than a lamb.” After hearing this story, the boy became obedient and stayed a good boy. Ever since then, there is a custom in certain areas of China, where sweet buns in the shape of a sheep is given to grandsons. Gimel sheep – Mother sheep smiles protectively over her baby lamb.
Sheep : Height40mm Width50mm Depth20mm
24K Pure Gold approx.54g
Baby : Height23mm Width28mm Depth14mm
24K pure Gold approx.14g
Eyes : Sapphire
Glass: Height 110mm Width 180mm Depth 6mm (High Penetration Glass)
Base : Height 30mm Width 180mm Depth 180mm (Marble)
WAKO -Gimel Collection-13.July.2014
銀座・和光にて「ギメル コレクション」を開催します。
和光 本館2階 (03)3562-2111(代表)
Gimel の癒し犬-タロウ Gimel’s comfort dog - Taro5.July.2014
He came to us six years ago.
One day, one of our craftsmen saw a dog wandering in the forest of Gimel. Since the dog had a collar on, he assumed that the dog belong to one of the nearby neighbors and did not give much thought to the matter. However, when the craftsman returned to the Atelier, the same dog was at the Atelier waiting for him.
The search for the owner began but no one came to claim him so we decided to adopt him. Since then six years have gone by. His past history is still unknown to us and we do not even know his age but today Taro completes Gimel with his existence.
His name Taro — In naming him, we tried calling him the popular dog names such as Pochi, Hachi, Jiro, James etc. but no reaction. Someone called out Taro and received an instant response in recognition.
A piano sits majestically in the Gimel entrance hall. It is a Bechstein piano.
The great composer Claude Debussy praised the Bechstein piano by saying “Piano music should only be written for the Bechstein”.
One of our staff is a pianist and whenever he runs his fingers across the keyboard, a dignified sound reverberates in our Atelier. The sounds are like velvet with beautiful clear tones of the high range notes, along with the refined tones of the low ranged notes. It is most likely that Gimel jewelries are also absorbing the beautiful moist sounds of this piano.
WAKO -Gimel Collection-13.April.2014
銀座・和光にて「ギメル コレクション」を開催します。
和光 本館2階 (03)3562-2111(代表)