立春を迎えて 5.February.2015
立春を迎え ようやく寒さの底も過ぎました。街路樹や森の木々に目をやると小さなつぼみをたくさんつけているのがわかります。もうすぐやってくる春に向けて、新しい芽吹きの準備をちゃんとすすめているのですね。
Severe cold of winter has passed us as we look forward to the beginning of spring. Trees along the streets and in the forest are full, wearing tiny buds preparing for the soon to come spring.
In welcoming the new spring, new creations have been born awaiting you at the Atelier of Gimel.
We wish everyone a fruitful budding spring to come.
Kaoru Kay Akihara
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