ブンブン蜜蜂大作戦 20.February.2021
少しずつ春の気配が感じられるようになりました。家庭画報4月号(3月1日発売)の特集「夢や希望を輝きに託して―美は心を潤す」にあわせて、九州・小倉井筒屋を皮切りに、南から北上しながら希望の春をみなさまにお届けする“ブンブン蜜蜂大作戦 ― Operation Bumblebee”と題したイベントを展開します。詳しい日程についてはInformationをご覧ください。
Operation Bumblebee
The long-awaited Spring is just around the corner, which means we must get busy to launch new collection. The name, “Operation Bumblebee,” will kick off from Kokura Izutsuya in Kita Kyusyu where the Gimel Shop is located, then move up northward. The events are held in line with an article published on the April edition of Katei Gaho magazine titled “Brilliance with dreams and hopes – Beauty inspires our hearts and minds. I trust your Spring be blessed with dreams and hopes.
Please click Information for details.
Kaoru Kay Akihara
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