冬の訪れ 26.November.2021
北から雪の便りが届き始める「小雪」を過ぎ、冬はすぐそこまで来ています。最近は大谷翔平選手のM V P受賞のニュースに喜び、140年ぶりの月食の天体ショーに感動し、コロナ禍で強いられてきた我慢のあとにご褒美をもらったような気持ちになりました。日本は少しずつ日常が戻りつつあります。今年の干し柿づくりは去年よりさらに200個増やして800個を吊るし、楽しみに待っていてくださる方々にお配りしました。干し柿がきっかけとなって、少し離れていた方がまた近くに感じられるのは嬉しいものです。
Snow has begun falling in the Northern part of Japan. Winter is just around the corner. Recently, I got great news and event. What a joy to know that Shohei Ohtani has won Major League Baseball MVP award. The lunar eclipse after 140 years was breathtaking. I felt like these were rewards to me for persevering the long period of Covid related restrictions on going outside. Life here is slowly getting back to normal. Several Gimel’s staff and I hung 800 persimmons under the eaves at my house to dry and send them off to my friends and acquaintances. It is very nice to bring our hearts closer together by sending home-made sweets.
Kaoru Kay Akihara