宝石の魅力 20.May.2022
東京・上野で開催されている国立科学博物館 特別展「宝石」は大変ご好評をいただいており、足を運んだ社員も石からジュエリーに生まれ変わる奇跡に心動かされて帰ってきています。
Charm of gemstones
Beautiful late May sun has prompted the flowers to blossom in GIMEL’s garden. Special exhibition “GEM” held at The National Museum of Nature and Science in Ueno, Tokyo has been very well attended, and our staff who visited there have been moved by the miracle of raw stones evolving to precious and beautiful gems.
Having been reminded of the mysterious and complex process of the birth of gemstones, our master craftsmen are fully committed to creating and delivering to our customers beautiful jewelry with renewed enthusiasm.
Our world has been besieged with sad news, Russian invasion of its neighboring Ukraine, countless numbers of random shootings and hate crimes in U.S., missile shootings by North Korea, are just a few examples of incidents which are so appalling that one wonders what the world has come to. The climate change of the earth which will threaten the life on earth as we know. They are all man-made atrocities which we must control for the future of the world. As a human being, we must put our wisdom together and work toward the preservation of peaceful coexistence of all the animals, human races, and the cultures we so cherish.
Kaoru Kay Akihara