葉っぱ1 – Leaf 1
(ブローチ:950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、ダイアモンド、ルビー)Cold wintry wind has completely blown the leaves off the trees. Finally it is the coming of winter.
[ Brooch: 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold, Diamond, Ruby ] -
葉っぱ2 – Leaf 2
(ブローチ:950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、ダイアモンド、サファイア)Transparent and sparkling diamond leaf looking like and object made of ice.
[ Brooch: 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold, Diamond, Sapphire ] -
葉っぱ3 – Leaf 3
(ブローチ:950Pt、ダイアモンド)Figure of falling leaf is beautiful and dignified even as it falls to the ground for its final rest on earth.
[ Brooch: 950 Platinum, Diamond ] -
氷の精 – Essence of Ice
(リング:950Pt、ダイアモンド)Nobly with piercing shine is TypeIIa diamond. The flow of its beauty is in its crystal clearness and without any impurities.
[ Ring: 950 Platinum, Diamond ] -
雪の精 – Essence of Snow
(ネックレス:950Pt、ダイアモンド ピアス:Pt、ダイアモンド)Briolette cut diamonds superimposed over and over, swinging with suppleness giving an effect of a dancing snow fairy.
[ Necklace: 950 Platinum, Diamond Earrings: 950 Platinum, Diamond ] -
聖夜 – Christmas Eve
(ブローチ:950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、デマントイドガーネット、ダイアモンド)Deep into the night, steadily the snow falls and the forest goes into a quiet sleep.
[ Brooch: 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold, Demantoid garnet, Diamond ] -
キャンドル – Candle
(ブローチ:950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、ルビー、エメラルド、ダイアモンド)At this season, our hearts are warmed with quant light of candles together with soft melodies of hymns.
[ Brooch: 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond ] -
メリークリスマス – Merry Christmas
(ブローチ:サンタ/ 950Pt、ルビー、ダイアモンド ツリー/ 950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、エメラルド、ダイアモンド、ルビー、サファイア)What did you ask Santa Clause for this year?
[ Brooch : Santa Clause/ 950 Platinum, Ruby, Diamond Tree/ 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire ]