ビーズリング – Bead Ring
(リング:950Pt、ダイアモンド)We made a ring with beaded cut diamonds.
[ Ring: 950 Platinum, Diamond ] -
流れ星 – Shooting Star
(ペンダント:950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、ダイアモンド)Wish upon a star. A single shooting star shines in the cold and clear winter sky at night.
[ Pendant: 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold (750), Diamond ] -
葉っぱ – Leaf
(ブローチ:ブローチ:950Pt、ダイアモンド)Snow fell quietly on leaves making them white.
[ Brooch: 950 Platinum, Diamond] -
雪だるま – Snowman
(ピンズ:950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、ダイアモンド、スピネル)Snowman, which we made during our childhood, running out into the garden which became white after snowing at night, became a small pin.
[ Pin: 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold (750), Diamond, Spinel ] -
雲 – Cloud
(ブローチ兼ペンダント:950Pt、サファイア、ダイアモンド/ 950Pt、ダイアモンド/ 950Pt、サファイア、ダイアモンド)Clouds in low sky shaped like cotton balls are shining in rainbow color.
[ Brooch/Pendant: 950 Platinum, Sapphire, Diamond/ 950 Platinum, Diamond/ 950 Platinum, Sapphire, Diamond ] -
ストリームリング – Stream Ring
(リング:950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、ダイアモンド、スピネル)A ring with gradation which flows from pink to red.
[ Ring: 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold (750), Diamond, Spinel ] -
クリスマスツリー – Christmas tree
(ブローチ:950Pt、18Kイエローゴールド、デマントイドガーネット、ダイアモンド)Happy holiday season begins with decorating a Christmas tree. We can hear the lively voices of families gathering around the tree.
[ Brooch: 950 Platinum, 18K Yellow gold (750), Demantoid garnet, Diamond] -
ギフトボックス – Gift Box
(ブローチ:950pt、ルビー、エメラルド、ダイアモンド)A gift filled with the heart of a gifter. The joy of untying the ribbon with excitement does not change even after we grew up.
[ Brooch: 950 Platinum, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond ]