ギフトボックス – Gift Box
(ブローチ:950Pt、ルビー、エメラルド、ダイアモンド)Full of Happiness is in the gift box picked up for your loved one.
[ Brooch: 950Pt, Ruby, Emerald ] -
クリスマス – Christmas
(ツリーピンズ:950Pt、エメラルド、ルビー、ダイアモンド/サンタピンズ:950Pt、ルビー、ダイアモンド/ソックスピンズ:950Pt、ルビー、ダイアモンド)It is a joyful time to decorate Christmas tree for both of gown-ups and children.
[ Pins Tree: 950Pt, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond / Santa: 950Pt, Ruby, Diamond / Sock: 950Pt, Ruby, Diamond ] -
ゴシェナイト – Gochenite
(ネックレス:950Pt、ベリル、ダイアモンド)Transpicuous gochenites have a purity like ice. Diamond enhance their grace.
[ Necklace: 950Pt, Beryl, Diamond ] -
ウエイター – Waiter
(ピアス:950Pt、18KYG ダイアモンド、ルビー)It is a holiday season that waiters get busy the most. Waiter is serving happily red and white wine in a lively restaurant.
[ Earrings: 950Pt, Diamond, Ruby ] -
リーフ – CLeaf vain
(ブローチ:950Pt、ブルーダイアモンド、ダイアモンド)It is a brooch of leaf vain with blue diamond. A morning dew is swaying at the top of the leaf.
[ Brooch: 950Pt, Blue Diamond, Diamond ]